He tipped the scales at just over 80 kilos.
And a hedgehog who tipped the scales at nearly 3 times the weight of the average wild hedgehog is going on diet.
Something like a ringworld would tip the scales at no less than a million tons.
像环形世界这样的东西会使天平倾斜不少于 100 万吨。
At today’s weigh-in he tipped the scales at just over 15 stone.
【tip】他今天赛前称得体重为 15 英石多一点。
It tips the scales at hundreds of pounds, making it a coveted catch for extreme anglers, like Jeremy Wade from the show River Monsters.
One of the big boys, huh? What do you tip the scales at, 280? 285?
不愧是条壮汉? 体重多少?280?285?
And Kumimanu was even bigger - it stood about 1.7 meters tall and tipped the scales at just over 100 kg.
Kumimanu 甚至更大——它高约 1.7 米,体重超过 100 公斤。
They could grow to six meters tall at the hips, eighteen meters in length and tipped the scales at twenty tons, nine times the mass of an elephant.
So when you go: " He tips the scales at 250 pounds. He's a big guy and he weighs 250 pounds." Right?
所以当你去的时候:“他称体重为 250 磅。他是个大块头,体重 250 磅。”正确的?
It tips the scales at hundreds of pounds… making it a coveted catch for extreme anglers, like Jeremy Wade from the show River Monsters.
它的体重高数百磅… … 使其成为极限垂钓者梦寐以求的渔获物,例如 River Monsters 节目中的杰里米·韦德 (Jeremy Wade)。
And it likely tipped the scales at around 1135 kilograms, which is about as much as a bull bison or an adult male giraffe.
它的体重可能 1135 公斤左右,大约相当于一头野牛或一头成年雄性长颈鹿。
According to one estimate, Epicyon could've tipped the scales at 170 kilograms, making it more than twice as massive as the heaviest grey wolf on record.
根据一项估计, Epicyon 的体重可能 170 公斤,是有记录以来最重的灰狼的两倍多。